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Robotic Surgery Vs. Traditional Surgery

These days, there are lots of choices to make when it comes to surgery. While having a choice empowers you to make the right decision for your health, it also brings questions and maybe some confusion. 

If you need surgery, you might find that sorting through all your options can quickly become overwhelming. Should you go with traditional surgery? What is minimally invasive surgery? Is robotic surgery right for you?

Elvira Klause, MD, offers the latest in surgical techniques for everything from hernia repair to oncology. With the support of our specialized surgical team, she regularly performs robotic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and traditional surgery to meet the needs of our patients. 

Today, we’re here to compare the benefits of different surgical techniques. To find out what type of surgery might be right for you, book an appointment with Dr. Klause.

The benefits of robotic surgery

Robotic surgery is a surgical technique that’s rising in popularity. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t mean that robots are performing your surgery. Instead, a surgeon controls robotic arms with extreme precision. 

Robotic surgery is considered minimally invasive surgery because it allows Dr. Klause to make a very small incision. With a smaller incision, risk factors and recovery times are often greatly reduced compared to traditional open surgery.

During robotic surgery, Dr. Klause uses a computer to control the robotic arms that perform the procedure. Robotic surgery gives her unparallelled flexibility and precision during surgery. 

Common procedures that can often be done with robotic surgery include:

Robotic surgery offers consistent, reliable results with decreased blood loss, pain, and recovery times common with more traditional surgical methods.

The benefits of traditional surgery

For certain surgeries and medical conditions, robotic surgery isn’t a good option. In these cases, Dr. Klause offers the best in traditional surgical techniques, including laparoscopic surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery is a popular surgical option because it requires a much smaller incision than traditional open surgical methods. In general, incisions for laparoscopic procedures are about half an inch long.

Dr. Klause places a plastic tube into the incision and uses a camera, along with small surgical instruments, to perform the surgery. After the procedure is complete, she closes the incision with a small number of stitches.

Laparoscopic surgery is similar to robotic surgery in that both minimize the incision size and can reduce risks associated with surgery. Patients may experience less discomfort, along with faster recovery times when they undergo laparoscopic or robotic surgery.

In some situations, Dr. Klause may recommend traditional open surgery. Open surgery generally requires a larger incision, and the surgical team manipulates tissue and muscle with their hands instead of smaller tools. 

The right type of surgery for you depends on your unique health condition. We take your injury, medical condition, and medical history into consideration when recommending your personal surgery plan.

All surgeries come with a set of risks, but Dr. Klause and our team are here to help you navigate surgery and recover as quickly as possible. Find out what your options for surgery are. Request a consultation with Dr. Klause online or call our office today.

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